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Electing Top Judges Has Been A Disaster In Bolivia

Electing Top Judges Has Been a Disaster in Bolivia


In 2011, Bolivia implemented a new system for electing its top judges. The system was designed to be more democratic and transparent than the previous one, which had been criticized for being corrupt and politicized. However, the new system has been plagued by problems, and many critics now believe that it has made the situation even worse.

Problems with the New System

One of the main problems with the new system is that it has led to a sharp increase in the number of candidates for judicial positions. In the 2011 election, there were over 1,000 candidates for just 56 positions. This made it very difficult for voters to choose qualified candidates, and it also led to a number of unqualified candidates being elected.

Another problem with the new system is that it has made the judiciary more politicized. The candidates for judicial positions are now elected by a popular vote, which means that they must campaign for office and raise money. This has led to a situation where judges are more likely to be beholden to political parties and interest groups than to the law.

The Consequences of the New System

The problems with the new system have had a number of negative consequences for Bolivia's司法制度.

  • The quality of justice has declined.
  • It has become more difficult for people to access justice.
  • The judiciary has become more corrupt.
  • Public confidence in the judiciary has declined.


The new system for electing top judges in Bolivia has been a disaster. It has led to a sharp increase in the number of candidates for judicial positions, a more politicized judiciary, and a decline in the quality of justice. The system needs to be reformed in order to address these problems and restore public confidence in the judiciary.

Recommendations for Reform

There are a number of things that could be done to reform the system for electing top judges in Bolivia. Some of the most important recommendations include:

  • Reducing the number of candidates for judicial positions.
  • Making the election process more transparent.
  • Increasing the qualifications for judicial candidates.
  • Limiting the amount of money that candidates can raise.
  • Making the judiciary more independent from political parties and interest groups.

These are just a few of the steps that could be taken to reform the system for electing top judges in Bolivia. By implementing these reforms, Bolivia could improve the quality of justice, make it easier for people to access justice, and restore public confidence in the judiciary.
