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What Is Lgbtq

LGBTQ: A Guide to Understanding

What is LGBTQ?

LGBTQ (or GLBT) is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. It is used to describe people who identify as anything other than heterosexual or cisgender.

The LGBTQ Test

The LGBTQ test is a set of questions that can help you think about your feelings, who you're attracted to, and your gender and sexuality experiences. It is not a definitive measure of your LGBTQ status, but it can be a helpful tool for self-exploration.


LGBTQIA is an abbreviation that includes the letters I, A, and Q to represent intersex, asexual, and queer or questioning individuals. It is used to be more inclusive of the diverse range of sexual orientations and gender identities that exist.


Understanding LGBTQ issues is essential for creating a more inclusive and just society. By learning more about the experiences of LGBTQ people, we can challenge stereotypes and create a world where everyone feels safe and accepted.
