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An Overview Of Sulfuras


Sulfuras, the Legendary Hammer of Ragnaros

An Overview of Sulfuras

Sulfuras is the legendary hammer wielded by the Fire Lord Ragnaros. It is an enormous mace crafted from flaming red elementium, a powerful and volatile substance that is said to be the very essence of fire. Sulfuras is said to be indestructible and capable of unleashing immense power.

Sulfuras in Warcraft Lore

In the Warcraft universe, Sulfuras is a powerful artifact that has played a significant role in the ongoing conflict between the Horde and the Alliance. It was originally forged by the titans, ancient beings who created the world of Azeroth. The titans gifted Sulfuras to Ragnaros, who used it to rule over the elemental plane of fire. Over time, Sulfuras became a symbol of Ragnaros' power and authority.

Sulfuras in Hearthstone

In the Hearthstone collectible card game, Sulfuras is a legendary weapon card that can be used by the warrior class. When played, Sulfuras grants the player the "Sulfuras Hand of Ragnaros" hero power, which allows the player to deal 8 damage to a random enemy target. This hero power is extremely powerful and can quickly turn the tide of a game.

